Sunday, November 7, 2010

What is the largest Living Arthropod?

I asked myself this question today while studying for my Entomology exam and discovered an animal I had never heard of! The answer is the Giant Japanese Spider Crab. I couldn't believe it when I saw the picture I posted below. This crab is huge! It is the largest living arthropod (a phylum containing crustaceans, spiders, insects, ect.) in the world. This crab can be as long as 12 feet across with a body up to 15 inches wide!  It is found off the coast of Japan at depths up to 1,000 feet. These crabs may live as long as  100 years! Because it is found so deep in the ocean, it is not fished commercially which is a good thing cause these crabs are awesome! See, good things can come from procrastination! : )

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